Mole Removal and Mole Checks
A typical step by step process of mole removal at The Yorkshire Skin Hospital:
- Following your FREE Initial consultation with Dr Colin Wright, he will decide if surgical removal is the best option.
- If Dr Wright believes surgical removal is the best option, then our friendly reception team will arrange your skin surgery appointment.
- Dr Wright will conduct surgical removal of the mole(s) under local anaesthetic.
- You will be left with a smart and clean scar and a follow up appointment will be arranged to remove any sutures.
The ABCDE rule when checking moles:
A – Asymmetry – When half of a mole does not match the shape of the other half.
B – Borders – Are the edges irregular, jagged or blurred?
C – Colour – Look out for a mole which is not evenly coloured, check to see if there are patches of black, pink or tanned colours.
D – Diameter – Is the mole bigger than 6mm? (wider than a pencil eraser).
E – Evolving – Check to see whether the mole has changed in size, colour, diameter, or has become raised from the skin.

Dr Colin Wright offers a FREE mole check to see if surgical mole removal is the appropriate course of treatment for each individuals needs.
To find out more about what we can treat and how to book, speak to our expert team using the details below:
Click here to get in touch or Call 0113 2900 310 to book your appointment now.
You can also find more information on our site Yorkshire Skin Hospital