The Lawrence Clinic has a new on-site digital X-ray unit which provides invaluable diagnostic information for Orthopaedic Consultants and the Musculoskeletal team (of Chiropractic, Podiatry and Physiotherapy. X-ray images ensure patients receive immediate attention to aid in the diagnosis of any suspected fractures or dislocation injuries, and importantly help clinicians better manage patients’ complaints.
The system in use is the Plurimat-R. This is a digital DR system that produces high quality images, in just a few seconds. The x-rays are taken by a qualified Radiographer.
Our clinic can also offer a reporting service from our Consultant Radiologist, Radiologists can send a report direct to practitioners or to patients themselves.

Digital images are then read by a qualified radiologist. Finally, the images are uploaded on computer and available for clinicians to explain the findings to the patient. If necessary, images may be sent electronically to other specialists or a copy can be produced for the patient to take away with them.
Our x ray service is available to both individuals that are having treatment at the clinic and for practitioners from other clinics that require x rays for their patients.
We also have as an added tool ultrasound diagnostics which is run by our private gp or our Podiatrists, we can also offer injection therapy at the clinic.
We also offer MRI Scans at a location near you. Ask reception more more details.
Click here to get in touch or Call 0113 2900 310 to book your appointment now.