Are you struggling with hip and groin pain? Get freedom from pain with The Lawrence Clinic

Hip pain is pain that arises from the anatomical region of the hip. This is commonly felt in the groin, outer thigh or knee. The pain may be aggravated by sitting cross-legged and on weight-bearing movement, while relieved by rest. Morning stiffness can seemingly fade with movement, but returns after rest.

Hip and groin pain can arise primarily from the joint itself but also from the soft tissue surrounding it. There may also be a secondary site of pain, when referred from the back (spine) or pelvis, and treating these areas may help alleviate some of the pain and reduce stress on the hip joint.

Sometimes when we exercise the pain can come on, it is always advisable to see a Practitioner as soon as possible.

Hip pain is common in the over 50’s and in those who play active sports or exercise on a regular basis Often it is due to postural changes stemming from ankle dysfunction, therefore co-management with a podiatrist is used to correct any potential biomechanical and postural dysfunction that may be aggravating or perpetuating the condition.

Are you struggling with hip and groin pain?

Often hip and groin pain is accompanied by low back pain, and you may find the two are related and you need to be treated for both to relieve your pain.

Here at The Lawrence Clinic we are a multidisciplinary clinic, so we are able to offer you both podiatric and chiropractic solutions to your problem.

If you are struggling with a painful hips, our team of physiotherapists can help you today!

Click here to get in touch or Call 0113 2900 310 to book your appointment now.