What is Physiotherapy treatment?

What can Physiotherapy treatment offer you?

  • Soft tissue release & massage
  • Core stability and postural retraining
  • Mobilisations and manipulations to the neck, back and other joints
  • Dedicated home exercise programmes
  • Advice and instruction in safe stretching and exercise
  • Return to exercise rehabilitation programmes
What can Physiotherapy offer you?
  • Spinal problems – including prolapsed discs, degeneration, sciatica, lumbago, stiff/painful neck and referred arm and leg pains.
  • Joint problems – arthritis, injury, pain and swelling, stiffness in joints.
  • Injuries – to muscles ligaments, cartilage and tendons. Work related conditions such as repetitive strain injury (RSI) and sports injuries.
  • After surgery – rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery eg. hip and knee replacements or general physiotherapy after general surgery.
  • Fractures – treatment to increase the healing rate and gain full function once the bones have healed.
  • Chest conditions – both medical and surgical including hayfever, asthma and sinusitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, bronchitis and bronchiectasis.
  • Gynaecological conditions – including stress incontinence, salpingitis and post-surgery rehabilitation.
  • Obstetrics – including ante and post-natal classes/exercise/relaxation/advice and treatment for backpain during pregnancy.
  • Abdominal problems – such as spastic colon, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Neurological conditions – such as strokes, head injuries, nerve injuries, multiple sclerosis, shingles, cerebral palsy and ME.
  • Paediatrics – for childhood conditions including postural and walking problems.
  • Circulatory problems – such as Raynaud’s disease, wounds, ulcers and cardiac rehabilitation.

What does physiotherapy treatment involve?

What does physiotherapy treatment involve?
  • Mobilisation
  • Manipulation
  • Electrotherapy
  • Massage
  • Exercise programmes
  • Screening and preventative advice

For more information, you can visit our page for the Leeds Back Pain Centre

If you are struggling with pain, our specialists can help you today!

Click here to get in touch or Call 0113 2900 310 to book your appointment now.